HP Gasser AG is active in membrane construction in many areas. Not only where athletes want to play tennis or swim under a functional membrane roof, for example, but also for many cultural institutions, the membrane construction of HP Gasser AG has long become a good and, above all, reliable address.
Since the membrane construction experts had already shown their professional side at the large festival tent in Gstaad in 1998, customers and planners from the most diverse sectors have repeatedly approached the Lunger-based company.

A good example of how membrane construction has also arrived on the cultural scene is probably the main stage of the Openair in St. Gallen. Here, the task was to replace the old, but already aging roofing with a new one. This did not present the membrane builders with any particular challenges, as the new membrane roofing could be prefabricated according to the old plans.
What is important about this project, however, is that the roofing has to be taken down annually outside the open-air season and put up again at the start of the new season. This places special demands on the material and the durability of the entire roofing. However, there is no need to worry if you hand over such a project into the hands of the membrane builders from HP Gasser AG.
Unlike many other roofing, the stage roofing has a special feature. Black on the inside and silver on the outside, such a roofing also ensures that the stage under the roofing does not heat up too much even in sunny summer weather. As you would expect, the membrane construction experts also managed this task with admirable professionalism and a high level of reliability. Just like many hundreds of other projects.