Large tents
Whenever it may be a bit more
The large tents from Losberger are the optimal solution whenever tent construction is allowed to be a little larger. Quality, attractiveness and durability are the best attributes for Losberger's large tents, in addition to size.
Enjoy a new dimension of space, freedom and appearance. In addition, there is a wide range of variants that even allow two-storey constructions. Always suitable for your event, always reliable, always attractive.
Losberger large tents combine a high-class visual style with outstanding quality and economy as well as a simple modular construction that makes detailed and flexible solutions possible at any time. Spans from 8 to 50 meters can be realized here, making even the really big solution tangible. And all this with flexible truss spacing of 3 to 5 meters.
Would you like more? Then find out here what you can do with Losberger large tents.