It is not usual for handicraft enterprises and in the roof window element construction and membrane construction industry in Switzerland probably a novelty, with which the HP Gasser AG addresses customers, prospective customers and the general public.
We are talking about, the first customer newspaper with which HP Gasser AG from Lungern/Obwalden is preparing for its upcoming 30th company anniversary. An initial print run of 5,000 copies of the newspaper will be distributed to the company’s customers as well as to interested members of the public.
The professional design and carefully created content speak for the fact that HP Gasser AG definitely wants to address the most diverse reader groups with The target group addressed by ranges from the company’s own customer base, which consists of architects, roofing companies, but also builders, to very simple people.
Accordingly, the rather extensive newspaper is not simply about the company itself, and not only about specialist topics from the field of roof window element construction and membrane construction. Accompanying topics such as the great commitment to digitalization in the trade or health topics also fill the paper, which, by the way, can also be read digitally at
Interesting, entertaining and always a little emotional, skilfully addresses the target groups with a wide variety of topics. The focus is just as much on the company’s own successes as on its partnerships with other companies. And the customers and employees of HP Gasser AG themselves also have their say. Ultimately, this provides a deep and comprehensive insight into the work of a typical Swiss craft company that can also see itself as a trendsetter. And not only in terms of its own products, services and support, but also in the way it communicates with customers and interested parties on a broad basis. Even with a customer newspaper, which is seen as a unique selling point in the industry.
And the fact that this is not just a one-off in the preparations for the company’s anniversary is already demonstrated by the intention to reach an even broader public with a second, extended print run of 20,000 copies.
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