Kentaur AG from Lützelflüh in Emmental is known throughout Switzerland for the production of cereal flakes and puffed cereal products. The company, which has been in existence since 1846, has long since earned an outstanding reputation and is one of the market leaders in Switzerland. In order to be able to meet the steadily increasing demand for its products, Kentaur AG is expanding its storage capacities. The basis for this is the expansion of the existing warehouse by an extension of the same design. HP Gasser AG is also involved in the project by building the warehouse.
Warehouse expansion with special challenges
When planning the hall extension, some special features had to be taken into account. The new construction was to blend in as unobtrusively as possible with the existing hall. In addition to the increased requirements for the storage of goods in the food sector, flood protection had to be included in the project because of the nearby River Emme. Suitable solutions were found for all the special conditions placed on the extension building.
To ensure flood protection, a two-meter-high concrete protective wall was built, which also serves as the foundation for the hall structure. Thanks to the flexible design of the supporting structure used, the shortened posts could be ordered to the appropriate dimensions. It was also a concern during the planning stage that the two roll-up doors as well as the emergency exit door would also have to be able to withstand the high water.
Although “only” packaging material is stored in the new lightweight hall, it was necessary to implement the relevant regulations in the food sector. To prevent insects from entering the hall, all connections and terminations to adjacent building components as well as material transitions were meticulously closed and sealed.
Challenges mastered without restrictions
Auf der zunächst errichteten Betonschutzmauer wurde eine entsprechend angepasste Losberger De Boer-Leichtbauhalle aus eloxierten Aluminiumprofilen mit feuerverzinkten Stahl-Verbindungselementen aufgesetzt. Die Seitenwände mit einer Gesamthöhe von 5,20 Metern erhalten eine Verkleidung aus weiss-grauem Trapezblech. Bei einer Firsthöhe von 8,50 Metern und einer Hallenbreite von 20 Metern ist eine Dachneigung von 18 Grad umgesetzt.
A suitably adapted Losberger De Boer lightweight hall made of anodized aluminum profiles with hot-dip galvanized steel connecting elements was placed on top of the initially built concrete protective wall. The side walls with a total height of 5.20 meters receive a cladding of white-grey trapezoidal sheet metal. With a ridge height of 8.50 meters and a hall width of 20 meters, a roof pitch of 18 degrees has been implemented.
Excellent external image also implemented by HP Gasser AG
In the end, the extension fits perfectly into the already existing hall and provides the desired space for storing the packaging material. Anyone looking for Kentaur AG in Emmental will find it, among other things, because of the excellent appearance on the outside facade. HP Gasser AG had already installed a membrane facade here some time ago, and its design has become a true flagship of Kentaur AG. (We have already reported on this.)
For those interested in architecture and technology, here is an overview of the key data on the hall extension of Kentaur AG:
Losberger De Boer lightweight hall 20/320 x 30 m with side extension 5 x 5 m
Technical data:
Width 20.00 m
Length 30.00 m
Field width 5.00 m
Side height 5.20 m
Ridge height 8.50 m
Roof pitch hall 18.0
Roof pitch extension 11.5
Snow load 75 kg/m²
Trusses aluminum colorless anodized
Connecting parts steel hot-dip galvanized
Roof with roofing sheets white translucent
Wall cladding made of trapezoidal sheet metal white-grey
Access areas with two rolling gates
Escape door